Monday, October 2, 2006
After meeting with Mrs. Graber to pay our balance for use of the cottage, we went into Parkesburg to check into catching the train into Philadelphia tomorrow. Then we hit the Sadsbury Walmart to pick up some other odd items we needed. Driving through the local Amish countryside, we stopped in Intercourse and Bird in Hand to browse the shops. Just outside Intercourse we purchased fresh cold homemade root beer from an Amish farm girl and cheddar cheese bread from the Bird in Hand Bakery for snacking tonight and tomorrow. Mid-afternoon we enjoyed a filling salad bar meal at Hershey Farm Restaurant. On the way back Jackie navigated so we were able to find and photograph two covered bridges. Then back to Panera Bread in Lancaster to get online, check email, and update the blog. Our weather was near perfect today, close to 80˚ and very sunny.
We were deeply saddened to hear of the senseless school shootings today here in Lancaster County. It's hard to believe something so evil could happen in such a peaceful and near idyllic area of our country.